A backup that fails when you need it, is no backup at all. - Cobweb

A backup that fails when you need it, is no backup at all.

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The reality of self-managed backups

Studies show that there are 30-50% gaps in backup environments managed by customers themselves. These gaps can be due to various reasons, including:

Resource constraints: Smaller businesses may not have the resources to invest in robust backup solutions and regular maintenance.

Inconsistent backup schedules: Without a dedicated team, businesses may not maintain consistent backup schedules, leading to outdated or missed backups.

Lack of technical expertise: Managing backups requires technical knowledge to address issues like data corruption, network failures, and software bugs.

Backing up your data is crucial, but it’s not enough to just create backups. You need to maintain and regularly check them to ensure they work when needed. Failing to do so can lead to catastrophic data loss.

The Parachute Analogy: The importance of regular checks

Imagine you’re about to go skydiving. You have your parachute packed and ready. However, you never checked it to ensure it was properly packed and in working condition. Now, you’re mid-air, and it’s time to deploy the parachute. This is the worst possible moment to find out that your parachute isn’t working correctly. The consequences are dire and potentially life-threatening.

Similarly, not maintaining and checking your backups is like not checking your parachute before jumping. You might think you’re safe because you have a backup, but when disaster strikes, you could find out too late that your safety net has failed. Just as you wouldn’t jump out of a plane without ensuring your parachute is reliable, you shouldn’t rely on backups without regular maintenance and verification.

Key questions to consider

If you have backups, it’s crucial to reflect on the following questions:

  • How often do you check them?
  • When was the last time you performed a full restore test?
  • Do you have a schedule for regular maintenance and verification?
  • Are you confident that your backup data is free from corruption and complete?
  • Do you have a plan in place for what to do if a backup fails?

Answering these questions can help you identify potential vulnerabilities in your backup strategy and ensure that you are truly prepared for any data loss scenario.

The crucial role of maintaining and checking your backups

In today’s digital age, data is a valuable business asset. Losing customer information, financial records, or proprietary strategies can be catastrophic. While businesses back up their data, they often overlook the need for regular maintenance and checks which often results in a useless backup strategy.

The illusion of safety: Backing up isn’t enough

When businesses think about data protection, the first step that comes to mind is creating backups. However, the process of backing up data isn’t a one-time task but a continuous process that requires attention and diligence. Here’s why just having a backup isn’t sufficient:

1. Hardware and software failures

Backups are stored on various types of media, from cloud storage to physical hard drives. These storage solutions are not immune to failure. Hard drives can malfunction, and cloud storage providers can experience outages. Without regular checks, you might not realise that your backup has been compromised until it’s too late.

2. Data corruption

Data can become corrupted during the backup process due to software bugs, hardware issues, or even malware. If you’re not routinely verifying your backups, you could be unknowingly saving corrupted data.

3. Incomplete backups

Errors in the backup process can result in incomplete backups. This could be due to network issues, software glitches, or even human error. Without proper checks, you may discover that critical parts of your data are missing only when you need to restore it.

The importance of regular maintenance and verification

To ensure that your backup strategy is effective, regular maintenance and verification are crucial. Here’s why:

1. Early detection of issues

Regularly checking your backups helps you detect and address issues early. This proactive approach allows you to fix problems before they become catastrophic, ensuring that your backups are reliable when you need them.

2. Ensuring data integrity

Regular verification ensures that your data is not only backed up but also intact and usable. By periodically testing your backups, you can confirm that the data is complete and free from corruption.

3. Compliance and security

Many industries have regulatory requirements for data protection. Regularly maintaining and checking your backups ensures compliance with these regulations and safeguards your business against legal and financial penalties.

At Cobweb, we manage backups for a wide range of clients, and our uptime is over 99.9%. This high level of reliability is achieved through rigorous maintenance and regular verification.


Back up is pointless if it is not working when you need it.

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