Why patching is your biggest vulnerability - Cobweb

Why patching is your biggest vulnerability

It’s been found that 60% of breach victims are compromised due to known vulnerabilities they hadn’t patched. 55% of IT Leaders admit some patches are never implemented. Join Microsoft MVP & Certified Trainer Ben Whitmore, to discuss why patching is your biggest vulnerability.

Thursday 13th June 2024 | 15:00 - 16:00 GMT


In our busy schedules, prioritising updates can be challenging, especially when it takes an average of 28 days to patch a critical vulnerability. But effective patch management is crucial for maintaining a strong cyber security posture to protect your business against the ever-changing threats we all face in today's world.

In our webinar, we'll discuss:

  • Why patching is an essential element of a modern cyber security strategy
  • Prioritising patches: Why certain things can’t wait till next week
  • Outsourcing patch management: When internal resources are stretched thin

You'll also have the opportunity to put forward your questions to Microsoft MVP & Certified Trainer Ben Whitmore at Patch My PC.

If you'd like to learn more, please sign up via the form above.

We'll be joined by

Ben Whitmore

Systems Architect & Microsoft MVP at Patch My PC

Juan Lyall

Commercial Manager for Managed Services

Keir Nolan

Head of Managed Services