C-Suite Prioritizing Cyber Security as Risks Escalate - Cobweb MENA

Data Breach Risk Tops Concerns List

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The Mimecast annual The State of Email Security is out and has captured changing C-suite attitudes towards cybersecurity. The report, based on a survey of 1,800 IT and security decision makers, says the global business community is increasingly sensitive to cybercrime risks and is more willing than ever to confront it.  It points to data breaches heading the list of corporate C-suite concerns ahead of climate change and inflation.

Put simply the report affirms that the risks that senior executives endured a few years ago are now viewed as unacceptable. That’s the good news. Not so heartening are the headline findings:

Key cited challenges:
  • Disruptions resulting from emerging technologies.
  • Shared risks associated with the networked economy.
  • Email usage is rising in 8 out of 10 companies.
  • 3/4 have experienced more email-based threats.
  • 59% say cyberattacks are increasingly sophisticated.
  • 2/3 were harmed by a ransomware attack.
  • 97% have been targeted by email-based phishing attacks.
  • 8/10 believe they are at risk from inadvertent internal data leaks.
  • 72% expect to be hit by a collaboration-tool-based attack.
  • 2/3 admit they need to up their cybersecurity spend!
You can read the full report here

Get 24/7 Defence & Remediation:

Be aware, to put up a secure defence against increasingly sophisticate cybercrime companies have to compete for expert talent and then retain it! Inhouse experts will not only have to be skilled in prevention – they will also need to know how to remediate and quickly to ensure business continuity and reputation!

It’s a tough path to tread. Cybercriminals operate day and night outside of office hours, and it takes, on average, 212 days to detect a data breach, another 75 days to contain it, and globally, the average data breach cost is $4.35 mn.

A subscription-based managed security service from Cobweb is the new defense arsenal with its inhouse expertise providing a 24/7 service to intervene, prevent and remediate. It’s an investment which will let C-suite better sleep at night.

Contact us now for a free solutions assessment.

To reach out to us, email at: sales.uae@cobweb.com or call us on +971 4 455 3100.